
Our curriculum has two main objectives:

  1. The social and emotional development of students, providing them with the skills to actively participate in society. This is evident in all we do and is core to the Community Ed Academy ethos.
  2. Accredited learning that maximises students' potential, building on strengths and interests that promote motivation and increase self-esteem. Students are given the core skills to succeed in life and the ambition to want to.

The curriculum is delivered through a timetable that provides a broad range of subjects and embedded extra-curricular opportunities.

Whole Lesson Approach

Community Ed Academy has not more than five students in a class.  The timetable covers all main subjects: Science, English, Numeracy, History, Life Skills, Geography, RE, PSHE, British Values, RSHE, ART, and Physical Education. This is teacher-led by qualified teachers and planned and differentiated to students’ needs. Community Ed Academy uses group lessons to build knowledge in each subject area alongside learning valuable skills such as respect for others, empathy, listening skills, taking responsibility, working together, building friendships and motivation. Core subjects such as English, ICT, Maths and PSHE are also embedded across the curriculum alongside other subject areas and lesson objectives. This is also used as a platform to continue learning during one-to-one learning times. All subjects are planned but allow for flexibility, adding relevant subject areas and topics to the timetable to meet current needs and interest.

Core subjects and feedback

Small group learning opportunities provide individual focus so gaps in knowledge can be addressed, alongside stretching the ability of all students. Information is used to identify a baseline assessment allowing teaching to be pitched at the appropriate level. Students undertake assessments at the beginning and end of a scheme of work to understand knowledge gained, and to directly inform future schemes of work.

Long and short progression projections are planned within the yearly subject sequenced plans and the individual schemes of work provide students with a framework for their learning journey. This allows them to know where they are going and how they can get there, as well as being used to celebrate their progress.  This is recorded within the students' individual scheme of work feedback section, a place where students can refer to when needed. The student and key worker have a mentoring session once a week to reflect on positive and negative behaviour choices, learning progression and to discuss any concerns arising.

Individual Timetable

Community Ed Academy has developed an individual timetable which runs alongside the school timetable. This provides the opportunity to bridge gaps in subject knowledge as well as a way to address barriers to accessing the wider curriculum. The one-to-one timetable includes Accelerated Reader and literacy intervention, Read Write Inc as well as a numeracy catch programme. The one-to-one timetable also supports breaking down social and emotional barriers to progression. This may include one-to-one therapy or enrichment activities.